Saturday 21 October 2017

Grand rassemblement de véhicules agricoles et automobiles d'antan in Lux

Steam in motion
When it comes to steam our area is not very well served, with the exception of the trips with steam locomotive 241P17. In 2007 and 2013 we attended in and around Digoin the Festi'Vapeur event, which appears to be a two-yearly steam venue during the last week in June, of which we had missed the 2015 and 2017 editions.

Steam in motion
Recently we discovered that in Lux (near Chalon-sur-Saône) a second "Grand rassemblement de véhicules agricoles et automobiles d'antan" was organised. In the newspaper we saw that apart from old agricultural vehicules there would also be a number of vintage cars on display, including some old military vehicles and… some working steam engines.

Steam stationary
As I said before, it is not often one can see steam in action, and on a beautiful sunny day we took off for Lux. The emphasis was on agriculture, however, there were also some steam driven vehicles driving around the lake, and there was a nice collection of vintage cars (mainly French, like Simca, Citroën Traction Avant, etc.). Further there were some old Jeeps on the road as well as an armoured amphibian car.

Amphibian vehicule
In a word: this day has been noted down in next year's diary!
For our own website click here.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Forum des Associations Cluny

Fan form
If, living in this part of France, one wants to take part in leisure activities but does not know where to look, once a year that person is waited on hand and foot. In almost every village of over 4000 inhabitants a yearly event is being organised where each club or organisation has a stand where those interested can get some information about the activities.

Yang 24
In Cluny this is called the Forum des Associations. are you interested in pottery, painting, writing, parachute jumping, aikido, judo, collecting mushrooms, birdwatching, line dancing, donating blood, or just in walking? I would be very surprised if you would not find what you are looking for. That was the way we got in touch with La Spirale d'Or, a club organising and giving lessons in various forms of tai chi.

Fan form
And since we really enjoy what we are doing with this club, we have become quite fanatic members, also taking part in the demonstrations given during the forum to attract new members. We learn, or at least our association teaches amongst others qigong and tai chi (yang and Chen form, with bare hands, stick, sword or sabre). One of the most attractive forms we have learned is the fan form.

Chen 24
The form we are performing has been used during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games of 2008 in Peking; the various parts of the performance are based on diverse Chinese martial arts (Shaolin, Chen, Yang, Kung fu). And without blinking an eye I dare say that the demonstrations of La Spirale d'Or are a highlight of Cluny's yearly forum.

A complete performance of the fan form (approx. 4 minutes) can be found on this Youtube link.

For our own website click here.